Category: Dentistry

  • Oral Cancer Screening Can Save Your Life 

    By now, you have likely seen news reports questioning whether flossing is necessary for your oral health.Our expert dentist wants to remind patients that our office offers thorough oral cancer screening as part of our comprehensive dental health services. Like with every form of cancer, early diagnosis can have a profound impact on the success…

  • Providing Relief from Periodontal Disease

    Over 45% of U.S. adults have moderate to severe periodontal disease. Periodontal disease ranges from a mild inflammation of the gum tissues to periodontitis, a major oral disease that can result in soft tissue and bone damage and even tooth loss.  Our experienced dentist is providing periodontal treatments to both new and existing patients who…

  • Only Floss The Teeth You Want to Keep

    Only Floss The Teeth You Want To Keep  Every time you stop in to visit your dentist, you are asked, “Do you floss regularly?” This is because flossing is instrumental in maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile. It helps to remove the plaque that brushing alone can’t reach. While we all know brushing is critical to…

Complete Health Dentistry of Cincinnati